Thursday, October 22, 2009


Government is a well liked topic of mine. I like to be an informed citizen and make my opinions based on the facts that are out there. I research ideas and concepts I want to know more about. However, the one thing I absolutely hate in America is the fact that people base their opinions off of the news, which is meant to be liberal, what others have to say and what they overhear somewhere. I strongly dislike the fact that we are the strongest nation in the world but yet our people can't spare at least 30 minutes to be informed on an issue. A lot of people in America are self-absorbed, they think that by them not voting someone else will pick up their slack. They are lazy. If people today would become informed and create their own views and opinions off of actual legit reasons instead of just watching the news or listening to a friend, perhaps then the country would be ran more like what the American people want. The people who do vote, a majority of the time, aren't informed. They vote for the sake of voting. Imagine if a majority of Americans became informed and then cared enough to vote perhaps we could prevent all this talk about Presidents and other government officials not doing what "we" want. In fact, they are. They are doing what the people who VOTED wanted them to do. People who dont vote, form opinions off of illegitimate sources and then try to criticize what the leaders are doing, simply need a wake up call because they didn't contribute in any way and therefore, don't have the right to say what they want or think. They don't know anything. Become informed and then we'll talk!

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