Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Research Project

I was originally doing my research project on sexual orientation. How does it differ from culture to culture? Or how is sexual orientation defined amongst others? However, after trying to research this topic I decided to change my project to how people act and react in relationships. How and why do men and woman see things differently and why do we have gender roles. I have decided to study this topic because I have always been interested in the reasons why people act the way they do. I like learning about the ways that men and woman differ and why. I also think this topic is important to research because not very many people know anything about it. Yes, people wonder about it but do they go and find out for themselves? Usually the answer is no. People like to read what others think on a topic instead of researching it and discovering their own opinion. My intended audience? Anyone who is interested in how the mind works from person to person or culture to culture. It is for those who don't have time to sit down and go research it themselves but have always wanted to know more on the subject. As far as accomplishments go (other than passing English 102) I would like to become a better researcher. I want to learn how to write in many different ways and to write with academic inquiry. I also hope that someone will think my findings are interesting and they would like to read more.

As for blogs, I hate them. I will not be writing more than I have. All posts will be for English 102 and nothing more.

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