Monday, November 2, 2009


Source 1: My first source was written by Lawrence B. Finer PhD and he focused on premarital sex and conducted a study which concluded that most people today are having premarital sex. Finer also goes into depth on the percent of people 50 years ago having premarital sex. They haven't changed much. Finer does not interpret or expand on other people's ideas but instead he forms his own from conducting his study on premarital sex. While this study might be helpful for me it also will lead me to writing more of a report instead of writing a research paper. This essay is filled with facts and percents instead of critical thinking and analysis. While all the facts of this support and provide proof that premarital sex is common my second source disagrees with that and states continues with the argument that premarital sex is bad, no one is doing and you'll basically go to hell if you do it.
Source 2: My second source is my church. Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Oakdale, MN. I have taken words from one of my priests, Father Stan, and while I tried to use his thoughts and words to interpret and analyze other sources I instead gave facts once more and wrote more of a report. Father Stand does not agree with Finer, even though there is evidence, but instead believes what the Bible says. We are not to engage in an act of immorality, which is, according to the Bible, premarital sex. They also refer to premarital sex as fornication. Perhaps with these two sources I can use Father Stan to interpret and critique what Finer has to say. Father Stan says he lives by the Bible but what about all those crazy verses that tell us to eat, or kill certain things or people. We certainly dont abide by those rules of the Bible.
Source 3. My third source is the Holy Bible itself. I have taken versus and incorporated them into my essay to support evidence to Father Stan's argument. However, while I tried to interpret and analyze I again wrote more report like and described what the verse says and what I think it says. I can use the Holy Bible to contradict Finer and to support Father Stan. The Bible has many versus that give evidence to the idea that premarital sex is bad and no one is doing it. If you are doing it however you are to shunned and you will basically go to hell.
Source 4. My fourth source was written by Rodney M. Cate et. al, there essay is more of a research essay than a report. It provides other sources and their research conducted to support and provide evidence to Rodney M. Cate et. al, purpose. The essay interprets what others have said and it analyzes what others evidence shows. There is no one side to this essay, if anything, it is written in the form of an argument. It provides both sides to the issue and provides evidence for both sides of the issue but in the end this essay takes the side of Father Stan and the Bible, premarital sex is bad.
Source 5. My fifth source I haven't incorporated into my essay yet but it also focuses on the religious aspect of premarital sex. It was a study conducted of University students, ones that have strong religious beliefs and ones that dont. It provides evidence that students who are more religious tend to stay away from sex, of any kind, until they are married. I wish to incorporate this source into my essay by showing that while more people who have had premarital sex not many of them have suffered long term issues or have had serious religious problems. I could use this to analyze the Holy Bible and Father Stan's ideas. Perhaps I could also use this source to analyze what Finer and Rodney M Cate. et al, have to say.
Source 6: I have yet to find the 6th source that I would wish to use but my ideal source would be one on the governments take on premarital sex. Why is it so bad and why are we trying to prevent it from happening?

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